Wednesday, August 22, 2012

When The Webers Came To Visit!

Last week we had the privilege of keeping 2 of our 4 nephews, William (age 5) and Christopher (age 3).  These are 2 of Faith's 3 boys....did you get all those family relationships in there?

I say privilege and I mean it with all my heart.  While it was a long 3 1/2 days and I was EXHAUSTED Sunday evening when they pulled out of the driveway, it's not every day that we get to spend time with those little guys and they're growing up so fast.  I hope we made memories last week that will last all of us a lifetime.

We had great 5 and 3 year old conversation, saw what made those little guys tick and got in some good practice for what life will be like for us one day when we have children of our own.  Keeping William and Christopher made us think hard about the way we will actually react to challenges and not just how we theorize things will flow when there are pitter patters of little feet at our house.

Those few days of getting to love on our nephews were priceless!

As I have said many times before, picture taking is not my forte but I tried extra hard to record our time together!  Here are the pics!

Playroom Time!!

The playroom was christened with some serious block play.  The boys spent hours building ships, fortresses and swimming pools
Walking Trail
Out for a scooter ride on the trail with a little break to experience the creek.  The next day while Faith and Steve were  still with us, the boys had great fun playing in the creek!
Back to the Playroom
...and then they found the dress up box.  Growing up in a house full of boys I don't think William and Christopher have ever played with wands and purses...this was pretty funny!

Fun With Boxes

Creativity with boxes time.  Luckily our patio furniture cushions came in the day before the boys arrived.  The boxes were HUGE!  William was a bit concerned about being outside in his underwear (such a gentleman) but I didn't want them to ruin their clothes with markers!  Check out Christopher...he enjoyed marking his body...typical 3 year old!  It was pretty funny when I found him hiding in a box methodically applying teal marker to his lips!

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Here is where they are delivering pirate messages. The one Christopher got from William says "beware of the booby traps" 


Hard work to get that fortress intruder-proof!

more block time...this is a ship 

and this is the bridge where the cars get on

Genna, Sit!

Time for fetch with Genna!  I was so impressed with her AND the boys.  Genna actually followed their commands!

William shows Christopher how it's done...and Genna gets a bit impatient

Christopher's turn!  Look at that skill!

And now for William's turn!

Genna actually alternated which boy she brought her ball to so they could take turns!

hmm, do you think we can actually make this swing work?

Christopher wasn't quite heavy enough.  Each time he tried to swing, this is what happened!

William got it down!

team work!

Hattie was tired by the end of the day (sorry, had to throw this in)

I had to sneak this one through the crack in the door.  Look carefully to the lefthand side.  That's Genna sleeping with William.  She slept there all night!

Farmers' Market Day!

Lil Donut time!  Cinnamon sugary goodness...who says Aunt Katie doesn't let anyone have junk food?!

The boys love their Uncle Russell...and Uncle Russell LOVES sticky donut fingers!


Testing out the water 

so adorable!

Swim Time At The Walmart Fitness Center 

before taking the plunge

I think this translates to "don't take my picture"

Don't you just want to snuggle him up?!


Look at him go!

Backwards scooting takes skill!

Do I look like a real mom in this picture?

The boys had their first crepe experience at the Crepes Paulette food truck just off the square.  How do you think they liked it...they said they weren't so good and they needed ice cream...these photos paint a different picture!

Mommy and Daddy Are Back!

Posed little family shot

What the weekend really looked like

Big Happy Family!

Here are some pics from my phone that chose to stay at the bottom of this post no matter how many times I tried to chronologically place them...

Park time!  We met Mary Cervantez and Sophia at the park.  William LOVED climbing!

Christopher was a little concerned about the kids who came to play.  He did not want them to get in his way so he was telling me that they should be careful!

Bathtime!  William and Genna unexpectedly became best friends.  It was so sweet to watch their relationship develop and gave us hope that Genna just might like our kids one day.

1 comment:

  1. Loved it! Precious memories for all of you, fran
